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Chasing Sunsets: How to Grab the Last Licks of Summer!

My boys frolicking on the beach while Chasing Sunsets.

My boys frolicking on the beach while Chasing Sunsets.

“You wake up in the morning, and lo! your purse is magically filled with twenty-four hours of the unmanufactured tissue of the universe of your life! It is yours. It is the most precious of possessions…”-Arnold Bennett, “How to Live on 24 Hours a Day”, 1910

It was the week before school began when “The Summer Glitch” hit us full-force. Our central air conditioning went out! Well, it stopped working, then it worked, and stopped during the night again. I guess it was what you call, “intermittent.” I call it totally annoying! After a few days of on and off again procedures with our cooling unit, and then when two days went by with no a/c at all, I was ready to lose it. Time to call the warranty company, get a service person in and start the painful process of sorting out solutions to fixing, or replacing, our 15 year old unit in the home we bought less than a year ago!

View of Meeting Street from our apartment.

View of Meeting Street from our apartment.

Meanwhile, because of all this, we had to vacate our home, and luckily I have some pretty amazing friends who offered us their apartment downtown to use while they were not in it! Well, we could either bemoan the inconvenience, or celebrate the “happy accident.” In my book, getting the chance to stay in downtown Charleston is always cause for celebration, but it did take packing, planning, boarding the dog, and so forth.

As much as my husband and son were annoyed at having to leave the family compound with all of its creature comforts, I was determined to make this a fun adventure. After all, think of the restaurants we could explore on foot, the secret gardens we might discover on early morning walks and as it happened, the magic we might experience on one nearly full moon night…

It was the evening after the first day of middle school for our son, Dylan. We had already had dinner, even enjoyed some homemade ice cream in the apartment. What would we do for the remainder of our celebratory night? Play cards? Watch a movie? No, that would be too boring. It was still summer after all! So, Dylan called the audible and said, “Let’s go for a swim at the beach!” Mind you, it was now 7pm.

Yes, let’s get to the beach for sunset! Why not?! With no bathing suits, we all jumped into shorts, and grabbing towels we headed out for Sullivan’s Island. It was a gorgeous, balmy evening crossing the Ravenel Bridge. Windows open, coastal breeze in our hair, music serenading us, we drifted gently to a parking spot at Station 22, and ran barefoot towards the Atlantic Ocean.

Dylan with Chef Sean Brock at the opening of McCrady's Tavern

Dylan with Chef Sean Brock at the opening of McCrady's Tavern



We were in for a treat! The water was warm, there were hardly any people around, and we each found our bliss in and out of the water. I watched the light change and witnessed my son floating in the shallow water, staring up at the stars. Darkness came quickly, but the moon kept a watchful light on us. There was frolicking, and playing, running along the coast, laughing at our folly, “chasing sunsets.” This is what it’s all about. Grabbing the moments, making memories; Beautiful, blissful, mystical moments of connection with the summer night sky, the ocean and each other. How to get the last licks of summer? Release your routine, immerse yourself in the now, frolick, be free, get sandy and sleep like angels…

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Charleston in Summer: A Gift from the Sea

Summertime…and the livin’ is easy in the Low Country. The fish are jumping, as I can attest to living on the edge of the Stono River. This land of Eden is so rich in every way it seems, but in summer, the bounty reaches its zenith.

Summertime…is the best time to indulge in ripe local produce, seafood al fresco and hand-crafted cocktails, brimming with garden grown herbs. Oh yes, and a jaunt to the sea...

Ironically, summer is historically my busiest time of the year. I am usually teaching photography almost daily, or working with clients to visually re-brand themselves for a Fall reveal.

So, when I do get out for a day at the beach, I dream of laying in the sand with the salty water lapping over my edges. I imagine what it is to be as peaceful and docile as a shell. Not wanting, not striving, not planning the next move. Just being.

In "Gift from the Sea," by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, an amazing collection of shell metaphors for women's self-care, I turn first to this passage to remind myself of how to be:

“…The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach—waiting for a gift from the sea.”

Summertime is such a lovely time to restore and replenish. It is most conducive to receiving inspiration from the smell of flowers in bloom everywhere, the salty sea air, moist with the humidity of a tropical clime, and the feel of sand between our toes.

I am in love with this blissful paradise that seduces my senses, begging me to slow down and savor its riches. There are a wealth of “gifts from the sea” to explore. Cheers to the halcyon days of Summer of Sixteen, Charleston-style!
